How to Add a Categories Page


Cadre comes with easy support for displaying your posts by both year (i.e. archive) and by category. I’ll assume you’re up and running. If not, see the quickstart guide.

Create files

In the root of your project directory, create two files:

  1. ./categories.html
  2. ./archive.html

In other words, these should be in the same place as your index.html file.

Add header

Copy and paste the following information:

# in ./categories.html
title: Categories 
layout: archive
type: categories
permalink: categories.html
# in ./archive.html
title: Archive
layout: archive
type: years
permalink: archive.html

Add navigation

Create a final file for navigating to these new pages in the _data folder. For example, on OSX or Linux:

$ mkdir ./_data
$ touch ./_data/navigation.yml

In this new file, add the following contents.

# in ./_data/navigation.yml

- name: Home 
  link: index.html 
- name: Categories
  link: categories.html
- name: Archive 
  link: archive.html

All done!

And just like that you have archive and category pages that will allow your readers to find your past posts.


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