Quick Start Guide

Introduction I assume you are already curious or motivated to learn and use Jekyll to host your blog. Great choice, and Cadre will make it as easy as possible. Create a new Jekyll project Follow this quickstart guide for making jekyll blog. Once all prerequisites are installed, Install jekyll, and...

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How to Add a Categories Page

Introduction Cadre comes with easy support for displaying your posts by both year (i.e. archive) and by category. I’ll assume you’re up and running. If not, see the quickstart guide. Create files In the root of your project directory, create two files: ./categories.html ./archive.html In other words, these should be...

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Sample of Post Options

This text is adapted from the example of the excellent Songzi Vong’s jekyll-theme-scaffold. Text can be bold, italic, strikethrough, or marked. Link to another page. There should be whitespace between paragraphs. There should be whitespace between paragraphs. We recommend including a README, or a file with information about your project....

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Cadre is a responsive, modern Jekyll theme for bloggers. This theme is designed to come with good defaults including an archive and categories page "out of the box".

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